Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Magazine Name and Font

My magazine font - header

For my magazine, I came up with the name "Blackened" I got this name from a very popular Metallica song and did some research and found out that is not used as a magazine name yet, though it is used for Blackened Records. 

After finding the perfect name that matches the style of my magazine, plus being influenced by the magazines biggest role models, I decided I needed to find a suitable font. I looked online a lot for font makers and found a great font.

I found this font on the website below:

I tweaked the design of the original font, for example I changed the colour scheme to suit my house style. Apart from that minor tweak and a few gradient changes, I was happy with the font.

This is what my finished font looks like. I just need to add this onto my cover photo.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Editing Cover Photo 2

My second update

Here is my second attempt at editing my photo cover final. I tried to make the image as dark as I could without losing too much clarity. I wanted the image to still be of good quality, but suit my magazines style. After using various filters, over the top of one another, I managed to get this look.
I found the spotlighting in the image to be rather cool as it is directly on the frontman. The darker, edgier look I was going for was achieved by overlapping different filters to get a good look. I am quite pleased with the colours of this image and also the spotlighting on the band member, without losing too much quality. I may use this image as my front cover, unless I do some more improvements to better suit my magazine.

Editing Cover Photo

My Cover Photo - Option 1 - Editing

Here is one of my final cover photos that I may use for my magazine. I have been messing around with some of the filters on Photoshop to get a kind of darker, heavier look. So far I have changed the colours of the photo to cold colours. Here is what I have done so far, using one filer over another.

I still think that I need to change the style a little more, maybe get the colouring a little darker to match the style of my magazine. For now, I am pleased with this result but I will keep working on this until I am satisfied with the end result.